Monday, November 24, 2008

Crying is good. My rent is late. Next month's rent will be late. I called my landlord and left this long rambling message about how embarassed I was and I almost cried. Almost. I held in my tears.

He had just walked out the door, and didn't want to cry over him or over us. He got the tv, I got the couch. I didn't watch tv before we were together but I miss it. I wish I had it to fill the space where he once was. To fill my head and heart with thoughts other than my own. Jerry Bruckheimer has good thoughts. I'd like to fill my head with his or even Donald Bellisario's. But, instead, I have my own.

My landlord called back and told me I was being silly. That I didn't have to pay any extra money because I ran short this month. I started to cry. I'd over spent on things I didn't need to compensate for what my relationship wasn't giving me. I sat on the floor and cried because of her kindness. Then I allowed myself to cry over what I really needed to; months and months of bottled tears. Frustrations over us. Frustrations bred by him.

Weary with no time to sleep I sit here craving relief. I am rid of him. I am free. But now, I'm afraid of my potential. "Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure." -- Marianne Williamson. I am now free to do whatever I want with my life. The only thing standing in the way is me.

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